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Let them say what they think of your product

August 20 2018
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Retroalimentacion de productos por Kathia

Communication within your Digital Marketing Strategy

The contact spaces with your clients within your digital strategy are one of the main links to fulfill your marketing objectives.

Letting them contact what will happen to your product, the conditions received, whether or not it met your expectations will make them feel important and accompanied. Our clients nowadays, thanks to the internet, have more access to information, every day they specialize more and investigate.

Each client that requires your product or service will look beyond the information you provide; It will look at the opinions or suggestions that others may receive about you and will find in the comments or ratings spaces the ideal place to decide whether to buy it or not.

These spaces are not only important for informing your potential clients, but they also provide your company with reliable and real-time information that allows you to manage the continuous improvement changes or the successful processes implemented. br> How do contact spaces work?

In traditional communication we know the strong impact of Word of Mouth, a customer can only with his testimony generate a noticeable increase in our customer traffic and in the same way a customer can only bring down an entire business.

With this premise we can deduce the importance of creating company-client contact spaces (customer service centers, satisfaction surveys, messaging on social networks, etc.) and potential client-client (comments and ratings on website and social networks) .

But with the creation of these spaces we also have in mind and clear the need to establish responsible for managing digital communication. It is useless to create spaces for comments and messages on social networks if nobody answers them; On the contrary, if the figure of the manager is not present, your clients and potential clients may feel ignored and therefore move away from your company.

In summary

The secret is to give your customers spaces to say what they think of your product, respond in a timely manner, manage the data received to make continuous improvement changes or changes in your successful processes.

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